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Webpack Aliases are removed

In Strapi v5, webpack aliases are removed ensuring better compatibility and reduced dependency conflicts.

This page is part of the breaking changes database and provides information about the breaking change and additional instructions to migrate from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5.

🔌 Is this breaking change affecting plugins?Yes
🤖 Is this breaking change automatically handled by a codemod?No

Breaking change description

In Strapi v4

Strapi maintains a specific list of dependencies that are aliased in webpack configuration. This ensures that plugins consistently use Strapi versions of certain libraries like the design-system.

In Strapi 5

The aliasing process is simplified. Only essential dependencies like react, react-dom, react-router-dom, and styled-components are aliased.


This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.


  • If you encounter issues with 3rd-party plugins, it's recommended you open an issue on the respective plugin's repository. Encourage the plugin maintainers to add their dependencies to their package.json file to resolve compatibility issues.

  • If you encounter issues with local plugins, you can fix them by amending the resolve option in your chosen bundler.

Manual procedure

To migrate to Strapi 5:

  • Identify any configuration files (e.g., webpack configuration) that referenced the now-removed Webpack aliases in Strapi v4.
  • Ensure that any references to Webpack aliases in the code are replaced with appropriate imports or paths.
  • If third-party plugins are used in the project, verify that they do not rely on Webpack aliases that are no longer present in Strapi v5.
  • If necessary, communicate with the plugin authors to update their dependencies or configurations accordingly.